Chapter XXII

The chapter takes place in ___________________.

David’s occupation: He spends some time visiting ________________.

Steerforth’s occupation: He spends much time __________ with the Peggotties.

He has even bought a __________ he has named the “_______________”.

New characters:


A very small woman who works as a sort of __________________.

She is very coquettish and gossipy.


A friend of Emily’s.

She has fallen into disgrace.

____________ gives her money and advises her to move to London.

Two characters appear unexpectedly troubled:

·        ____________ tells David that his behaviour is bad because he hasn’t had a father.

·        ____________ says she is not good.

Chapter XXIII

David leaves with Steerforth for ______________, where he meets ____________.

It is decided that David will become a _______________.

On their way to establish David at the Doctors’ Commons, the mysterious man who appeared in chapter _______ returns. Betsey gives him money.

They go to the offices of ____________________, where David is engaged as a clerk.

They find lodgings for David with Mrs. Crupp.

Chapter XXIV

Although David is thrilled with his new accommodations, he gets lonely at night, and Steerforth is away at ___________ with his friends.

David goes to Steerforth’s home and visits __________________________, who talk glowingly about Steerforth all day.

Finally, Steerforth returns. He and David plan to have a dinner party in David’s rooms with two of Steerforth’s friends. David goes overboard in preparing for the party and then __________ himself into illness.

While very drunk, he goes with Steerforth and company to the theater, where he runs into _________, who makes him go home. The next day he is hungover and humiliated.
